
The main item of uniform in Beavers/Cubs/Scouts is the jumper. You can purchase these directly from Scout Stores online (we do not stock these at 3rd Poole):
– Beavers Jumper (6-8 years)
– Cubs Jumper (8-10.5 years)
– Sea Scouts Jumper (10.5-14 years)

When joining you will also need a necker which you purchase directly from us using the link below. For Scouts (ages 10.5-14 years) you will also require a Sea Scout hat, which you can purchase via a separate website at a lower price (£30) than the HQ website. If you are unsure on size we have sample sizes you can try on at the hall.

Optional Group Clothing

We have a few optional items of clothing available to order from us directly. All items of clothing are embroidered with a 3rd Poole Sea Scouts logo. Please note lead times on these may be a few weeks depending on current stocks. You can see our current stock list by clicking here.

Leaders Clothing